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WTB- looking for a Model X P100D. Need help! Tips provided

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I mean I know there is a way to transfer FUSC for new owner of 2018 or newer cars. And not everyone knows this. As long as sale in private person not dealership. That’a what I call “secret”
I would not consider using another person's Tesla account or changing the account email to be a successful "transfer". It's just a work around. If FUSC is so important to you, I would not base your vehicle purchase on it.
I would not consider using another person's Tesla account or changing the account email to be a successful "transfer". It's just a work around. If FUSC is so important to you, I would not base your vehicle purchase on it.
That is only different opinions on FUSC. It seems a “challenge” for me to find one with all features required.
I am going to drive it forever so FUSC is one of my considerations