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WTB Mobile Connector & Adapter

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Hey all,

Brand new to the forum and was hoping to get lucky since they are sold out in Teslas website. We’re looking for a mobile connector and ideally a 14-50 adapter/connector. Let me know if you have anything. I’d prefer to not go the eBay route.

Do you need it for travel or do you intend to use it at home?

I highly recommend getting a Wall Connector for home. And I've only used my 14-50 like twice away from home. I thought I'd be doing a lot more camp ground stuff and just haven't. There are Tesla Destination wall connectors and J1772 plugs pretty abundant otherwise.
Do you need it for travel or do you intend to use it at home?

I highly recommend getting a Wall Connector for home. And I've only used my 14-50 like twice away from home. I thought I'd be doing a lot more camp ground stuff and just haven't. There are Tesla Destination wall connectors and J1772 plugs pretty abundant otherwise.

We have a wall connector at home but my wife travels a lot and one of the places she stays has a NEMA 14-50 plug for her to utilize overnight. That’s where this would come in handy.
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Oh, PS, I've bought from evseadapters.com with good success. I think their adapter tails for the mobile connector are superior build to the Tesla branded ones. I'm not sure if they sell the mobile connector itself and the website isn't loading on my phone right now.

Just thought I'd share.
Oh, PS, I've bought from evseadapters.com with good success. I think their adapter tails for the mobile connector are superior build to the Tesla branded ones. I'm not sure if they sell the mobile connector itself and the website isn't loading on my phone right now.

Just thought I'd share.
Thanks for this! I’ll check them out and see what I can find.
Next week! Good point, I’ll keep my fingers crossed. Trying to think ahead. Shot everything at home installed about a month ago. I’ll follow up if it is in the car or not.
Awesome. You'll do fine. If this is your first tesla, congratulation. The only thing I would had recommend with your install is to future proof your home charger. Wire up for the maximum allowable draw from your panel for an additional charger. I didn't do this nor had the wall connector in the best location and had to install one outside of my garage for the additional Model Y. We have one more tesla in our future but we're also building a new home. We've already had the electrical plans worked out for 4 chargers. Who knows, maybe one day the Cyber truck will be built.
Awesome. You'll do fine. If this is your first tesla, congratulation. The only thing I would had recommend with your install is to future proof your home charger. Wire up for the maximum allowable draw from your panel for an additional charger. I didn't do this nor had the wall connector in the best location and had to install one outside of my garage for the additional Model Y. We have one more tesla in our future but we're also building a new home. We've already had the electrical plans worked out for 4 chargers. Who knows, maybe one day the Cyber truck will be built.
We’re actually planning to start building a new house next year so that’s great advice. I can see us needing 2 down the road.
I have two for sale if you are still looking. Gen 1 has 14-50 plug included

Hey all,

Brand new to the forum and was hoping to get lucky since they are sold out in Teslas website. We’re looking for a mobile connector and ideally a 14-50 adapter/connector. Let me know if you have anything. I’d prefer to not go the eBay route.


They have been in stock at Tesla for a few days, and include the 14-50 adapter: Mobile Connector
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