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WTB: Model 3 Performance Zero G wheels with 34mm offset, flex with or without tires/TPMS - SoCal

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I think I may have just gotten scammed via a pm.
Who do you think scammed you, Tudes? I’ve received suspicious pms before too when I was looking to buy. I hope everyone is super cautious and only use payment services that provide you with protection (e.g., never use PayPal Friends & Family). Don’t feel bad for asking for more info like proof of someone’s address or pictures with specific things in the picture (e.g., hold up three fingers in front of the wheels or with a phone showing the pm conversation).
Hey TMC community, appreciate everyone engaging here. Unfortunately, it was some tool and I take total responsibility for my impulsive moment of stupidity. Had a few drinks, got excited, read the PM and engaged with this person... CruiseG was the handle. Of course, now his Zelle email is unregistered, but it was: [email protected].

But all-in-all, an expensive lesson and at first you feel the shame/guilt/idiotness that just happened. First time in 20 years of online buying. I think I was caught off guard since usually forums have higher quality beings than say Craigslist.

Again, I knew I was being impulsive, I wanted the damn wheels. In hindsight... again, total idiot move and he was just newly registered too. I managed to order a set directly from Tesla, out of frustration, heh. But still waiting on them.

@FacemanSeattle - ooh if I knew!

@totoracer - I got scammed.

@mark minsalli - Sorry, don't want to deal with shipping anymore, may just get directly through Tesla or someone local. I just had someone else PM me, but I'd be damned if I pad them $1 without physically looking touching and inspecting thoroughly.