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WTB: Model 3 SR+ RWD reservation bay area

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I have a 2022 model 3 standard range plus white exterior, white interior with an EDD of April 13th-May 11th. I ended up getting a demo one so I don’t need this reservation. I would be willing to sell it to you. I’m in Arizona so I’m not sure if the pick up location can be changed or not. I have also read a lot about not being able to transfer/sell reservations anymore but if you have a way to do it I’m open to selling you mine
I have a 2022 model 3 long range (midnight silver metallic paint, 18" aero wheels, black interior) reservation that has a total of $50,990, instead of the current price of $54,490. Immediately delivery. I'm located in the bay area.
I have a 2022 model 3 standard range plus white exterior, white interior with an EDD of April 13th-May 11th. I ended up getting a demo one so I don’t need this reservation. I would be willing to sell it to you. I’m in Arizona so I’m not sure if the pick up location can be changed or not. I have also read a lot about not being able to transfer/sell reservations anymore but if you have a way to do it I’m open to selling you mine
What’s your car price? I am in San Diego.
I have a 2022 model 3 standard range plus white exterior, white interior with an EDD of April 13th-May 11th. I ended up getting a demo one so I don’t need this reservation. I would be willing to sell it to you. I’m in Arizona so I’m not sure if the pick up location can be changed or not. I have also read a lot about not being able to transfer/sell reservations anymore but if you have a way to do it I’m open to selling you mine
Do you still have this available? It’s the exact same as my order, but several months sooner!