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WTB Model S 19" base wheel

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Apparently someone (big mystery) hit something (big mystery) with our 2013 Model S that bent and cracked one of the original base model 19" wheels. I'm looking for a single wheel to replace that bent/cracked wheel. Wheel should be structurally sound (no bends, wobbles, dents, cracks, etc.) but doesn't have to be perfect. A little road rash is ok. I swapped in the winter wheels/tires, so I've got some time to get this one replaced.

I'm in central PA.

Thanks in advance!


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Apparently someone (big mystery) hit something (big mystery) with our 2013 Model S that bent and cracked one of the original base model 19" wheels. I'm looking for a single wheel to replace that bent/cracked wheel. Wheel should be structurally sound (no bends, wobbles, dents, cracks, etc.) but doesn't have to be perfect. A little road rash is ok. I swapped in the winter wheels/tires, so I've got some time to get this one replaced.

I'm in central PA.

Thanks in advance!
I have a wheel/tire setup here. Nice and clean. $200 plus shipping