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WTB: Model S, 45-50K

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WTB: 2013-2015 Used Model S as a commuter car (already have a fun sports car). Anywhere east of mississippi is doable.

Would like to have tech pkg, pano/sunroof, free supercharging. air suspension, premium wheels, AP are bonuses but not musts. 85 preferred, 60 is ok. Been browsing the tesla preowned site, but concerned about not being able to view the car before i put a deposit down. Been browsing autotrader as well.

Anyone have one here they are looking to sell?
WTB: 2013-2015 Used Model S as a commuter car (already have a fun sports car). Anywhere east of mississippi is doable.

Would like to have tech pkg, pano/sunroof, free supercharging. air suspension, premium wheels, AP are bonuses but not musts. 85 preferred, 60 is ok. Been browsing the tesla preowned site, but concerned about not being able to view the car before i put a deposit down. Been browsing autotrader as well.

Anyone have one here they are looking to sell?
I have a 2013 Model S85 loaded and in great condition. I will post it on the TESLA forum for sale today
WTB: 2013-2015 Used Model S as a commuter car (already have a fun sports car). Anywhere east of mississippi is doable.

Would like to have tech pkg, pano/sunroof, free supercharging. air suspension, premium wheels, AP are bonuses but not musts. 85 preferred, 60 is ok. Been browsing the tesla preowned site, but concerned about not being able to view the car before i put a deposit down. Been browsing autotrader as well.

Anyone have one here they are looking to sell?

thanks will check it out.