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WTB: Model S 80 or above

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New Member
May 17, 2016
After reserving Model 3, I got bought into Model S.
I am interested in Model S 80 or above:
- less than 30K miles or so
- clean record and title
- gray, black or red exterior
- under $50K
- preferably within a day's driving distance from Chicago

If you have one like this or similar for sale, please send PM.
After reserving Model 3, I got bought into Model S.
I am interested in Model S 80 or above:
- less than 30K miles or so
- clean record and title
- gray, black or red exterior
- under $50K
- preferably within a day's driving distance from Chicago

If you have one like this or similar for sale, please send PM.

This seems to be the closest CPO on the pre-owned site...high on miles at 56k, but does have the 4 year/50k CPO warranty: 85 kWh Model S P22465 | Tesla Motors