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WTB: Model S, autopilot ready, 85KWh

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Hey, I'm new to this forum but I'm seriously considering a Tesla since I have the money now. I want to have the tech package that allows for Autopilot functionality, and I would also prefer the rear-facing child seats, but if not, I believe Tesla can install those later (? not sure)

I'd prefer one in the 50-65k range in terms of price. I can't seem to find one that meets my requirements and price range in the For Sale section, but I might just not have looked hard enough.

Thanks! I hope to be a Tesla owner soon!
Hey, I'm new to this forum but I'm seriously considering a Tesla since I have the money now. I want to have the tech package that allows for Autopilot functionality, and I would also prefer the rear-facing child seats, but if not, I believe Tesla can install those later (? not sure)

I'd prefer one in the 50-65k range in terms of price. I can't seem to find one that meets my requirements and price range in the For Sale section, but I might just not have looked hard enough.

Thanks! I hope to be a Tesla owner soon!

Did you check Hank's site?

Here's the cheapest I found.
Model S 85 086022 | Tesla Motors