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WTB Model S Executive Rear Seats - With Rear Center Console - Black leather

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Looking for anyone that knows of a wrecked model S with the executive rear seats or anyone that would want to trade. I would prefer not to trade, but I really want to find these seats somewhere. Tried from Tesla direct, but they will not sell any.
I have a black interior model s with the executive rear seat that I want to replace with a standard bench seat. I would be willing to trade. However, can they be swapped out easily?
I have a black interior model s with the executive rear seat that I want to replace with a standard bench seat. I would be willing to trade. However, can they be swapped out easily?
Also, I called Tesla and they can't seem to give me a clear answer on whether or not they can be swapped. Any chance you could take a picture of the inside frame? We can compare with my seats folded down to see the frame.
Also, I called Tesla and they can't seem to give me a clear answer on whether or not they can be swapped. Any chance you could take a picture of the inside frame? We can compare with my seats folded down to see the frame.
The executive seats do not fold down. The lower connection where the pivot would be is a bolted connection to the lower frame. The upper connection is where the fold down latch is and depending on the build date, there is either a hidden button where the latch handle would be or there is a pull strap tucked between the seat and the trim. The seat back is one single piece also.
The executive seats do not fold down. The lower connection where the pivot would be is a bolted connection to the lower frame. The upper connection is where the fold down latch is and depending on the build date, there is either a hidden button where the latch handle would be or there is a pull strap tucked between the seat and the trim. The seat back is one single piece also.
Awesome! Thanks for this info!

@sbuchholtz what build year is your Model S? Also what kind of trim is in the center console? I have the figured ash decor and I'm not sure it will match what you have. I would be interested in making an offer if you would be willing to sell instead of trade. I am not sure about getting rid of my seats in favor for ones that do not fold flat. I'd like to have the option to switch back. Also, do you have any pictures of the seats? Thanks!
I am looking to get a 2015 S85 prewowned that has executive rear seats and have the same question. If in the future I would like to change to regular bench - is it possible.
The Tesla person I spoke to says no as the seats are installed at time of production and for safety reasons cannot be changed. I am not convinced with that answer somehow.
Anyone have additional knowledge.