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WTB: Model s or x 75d

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Sadly the wife got into a accident and totalled the ms. Thankfully no injuries which is most important. Anyway, I’m in the market for another. Had 2014 pre ap s85. I want to get a bit of a upgrade since I’m at it anyway. Anyone in the tri state area or close to New York sellling a 2016 model s or x 75d under 50k. Maybe 52 or 53k if it something with advance summon. I’ve seen Xs slightly below 50 before so just wondering if anything pops up. Definitely want something with free supercharging, dual motors and at least ap1. Can do a 60d If it’s a x. Really don’t want a nosecone model s but if I have to go that route, id be happy with a p85d. ( preferably not in white or red). I know it might be a long shot but I thought I give it a try. Thanks guys🙏🏿🙏🏿
Sadly the wife got into a accident and totalled the ms. Thankfully no injuries which is most important. Anyway, I’m in the market for another. Had 2014 pre ap s85. I want to get a bit of a upgrade since I’m at it anyway. Anyone in the tri state area or close to New York sellling a 2016 model s or x 75d under 50k. Maybe 52 or 53k if it something with advance summon. I’ve seen Xs slightly below 50 before so just wondering if anything pops up. Definitely want something with free supercharging, dual motors and at least ap1. Can do a 60d If it’s a x. Really don’t want a nosecone model s but if I have to go that route, id be happy with a p85d. ( preferably not in white or red). I know it might be a long shot but I thought I give it a try. Thanks guys🙏🏿🙏🏿
2016 Model S75 (Oct build)
Blue / Black interior
Black Alcantara headliner, black ash wood trim, black next generation seats
Autopilot, Free premium connectivity, HEPA bio-defense, Sping suspension, 21" wheels (new Michelin tires bought in July this year)
Car still has 2yrs factory warranty left and I had all 4 exterior handles replaced to the upgraded latest version (upgraded mechanics)
61,669 miles
$45k in Dallas TX
looking to sell asap


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