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WTB: Model S Refresh (Red)

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If you are looking for a Red S, have you considered new? There is a demo new inventory S85 in red with a $8,400 discount at the URL below. It even has Premium Upgrade Package. Cash price would be around $70K after fed rebate, and you would have a brand new car w/ a full 4-year 50K warranty. A used S with a refreshed front fascia would probably go around $60K -> $70K with a reduced warranty, so you wouldn't be too far off in price.

If you are looking for a Red S, have you considered new? There is a demo new inventory S85 in red with a $8,400 discount at the URL below. It even has Premium Upgrade Package. Cash price would be around $70K after fed rebate, and you would have a brand new car w/ a full 4-year 50K warranty. A used S with a refreshed front fascia would probably go around $60K -> $70K with a reduced warranty, so you wouldn't be too far off in price.

thank you that seems really appealing but that is out of my budget.. :(