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WTB - Model S Rims and tires 19" or 20" factory or aftermarket SW MO

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New Member
Sep 12, 2022
sw mo
I'll be selling my car (2014 60 Model S) soon and although my factory rims are fine, there is some considerable curb rash. i really just need 2 tires and that's really all, but i was going to replace all 4 like i usually do. considering some of the prices for used sets of wheels and tires are close to BN 4x OEM tires, i thought i'd try to upgrade altogether. i have just the base, non-slipstream factory 19's - if you're local i can even give you my old set

looking to spend about $1500 at the very most...and sure, am trying to find a good deal. with my truck coming (maybe...?) as well as being out of work for a few years now, i am trying to save a few bucks but i'm in no way trying to haggle with anyone. thanks.