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WTB: Model S UHFS MCU Only - not the LCD

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Yeah, I'll go back in and look for the P/N. Thanks
P/N 1000477 - Premium audio - I actually need the whole MCU minus Tegra processor card, minus network card, minus LCD. , not just the main board .

Yeah, I know, strange request - I'm experimenting around on a budget and don't need the other parts that others might find useful.

Heck, maybe it's easier to just look for a whole MCU with a cracked screen - guess I should have started with that.
P/N 1000477 - Premium audio - I actually need the whole MCU minus Tegra processor card, minus network card, minus LCD. , not just the main board .

Yeah, I know, strange request - I'm experimenting around on a budget and don't need the other parts that others might find useful.

Heck, maybe it's easier to just look for a whole MCU with a cracked screen - guess I should have started with that.

What's your budget?