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WTB model S with rear seats

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$44.9K and CPO so has the 4 yr warranty. I don't care about it being a 60- I actually like being able to say I snuck into the base model...not as extravagant that way and was a stretch even at that. I like the to say it's the same cost as a new Odyssey, but I don't have to pay for gas, and still seats 7. I bought as a family car for its SAFETY, though of course I love everything else about it! Or at least I think I will once it's delivered...
View attachment 175209
$44.9K and CPO so has the 4 yr warranty. I don't care about it being a 60- I actually like being able to say I snuck into the base model...not as extravagant that way and was a stretch even at that. I like the to say it's the same cost as a new Odyssey, but I don't have to pay for gas, and still seats 7. I bought as a family car for its SAFETY, though of course I love everything else about it! Or at least I think I will once it's delivered...

Nice, congrats. Where did you find it?? I've been tracking the CPO site as well as the official Tesla pre-owned site, and a $73k S85 was the cheapest CPO I saw. And that one is now gone.
I got in touch with my area's pre-owned advisor, and he sent me the following CPO vehicles yet to hit the website. Still a bit too rich for my blood, but perhaps they might work for others on here. Both vehicles have the rear jumpseats.

View attachment 175209
$44.9K and CPO so has the 4 yr warranty. I don't care about it being a 60- I actually like being able to say I snuck into the base model...not as extravagant that way and was a stretch even at that. I like the to say it's the same cost as a new Odyssey, but I don't have to pay for gas, and still seats 7. I bought as a family car for its SAFETY, though of course I love everything else about it! Or at least I think I will once it's delivered...

Congrats this looks like a great buy!!