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WTB: Model X 20" Slipstream Wheel and Winter Tire Package

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I'm happy to take just the rims if you don't have any tires on them. If you have these rims with all-season or summer tires on them, i'd be happy to take that as well. I'm basically trying to fit my Model X with winter tires, and I want to do it on separate rims. So if you have other rims, which you've mounted winters on and which fit the X, then I'd entertain buying those as well.

Located in Vancouver, BC, but happy to travel or consider paying for shipping.

Shoot me a message and I'd be happy to arrange a quick deal! Thanks!
Check out the offerings from Tsportline as they've got some super cool wheels for Tesla vehicles. I've got a set of the 19" Arachnid replicas with all-season tires and love them. If you find something you like private message me for a $50 referral discount code.