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WTB - Model X - 6 Seater(black), maybe 2016-2018

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Hello all -

Looking to pick up a Model X if someone is looking to sell.

-Colors - Black, Gray (light/dark) maybe White
-Interior - Darker colors - must be a six-seater center console is fine
-Would be nice to have transferable supercharging, but no biggie if not

Please keep in mind the prices listed on the Tesla used car site, if you are asking more then I could buy one there, you are wasting your time.

Hello all -

Looking to pick up a Model X if someone is looking to sell.

-Colors - Black, Gray (light/dark) maybe White
-Interior - Darker colors - must be a six-seater center console is fine
-Would be nice to have transferable supercharging, but no biggie if not

Please keep in mind the prices listed on the Tesla used car site, if you are asking more then I could buy one there, you are wasting your time.


prices will be the same or higher than tesla used car site because of a terrible experience trying to buy used from tesla is. everyone here knows you are better off buying from a 3rd party dealer or private sale so you actually know what you are buying. tesla cars are not CPO'd anymore, they are just cleaned slightly. people are putting money down only to find out their car with no pictures has alot of scratches, dents, damage and dirty interior. tesla doesn't care for you if you are a used buyer, only new buyers are what matters.

you can refuse the car ofcourse, but only after you actually see the car weeks later and already paid tesla. if anything, id say you are wasting your time trying to buy from tesla directly. with that being said, good luck.
prices will be the same or higher than tesla used car site because of a terrible experience trying to buy used from tesla is. everyone here knows you are better off buying from a 3rd party dealer or private sale so you actually know what you are buying. tesla cars are not CPO'd anymore, they are just cleaned slightly. people are putting money down only to find out their car with no pictures has alot of scratches, dents, damage and dirty interior. tesla doesn't care for you if you are a used buyer, only new buyers are what matters.

you can refuse the car ofcourse, but only after you actually see the car weeks later and already paid tesla. if anything, id say you are wasting your time trying to buy from tesla directly. with that being said, good luck.

I actually bought a model X last year from Tesla and have been extremely happy with it. You are right I did get a CPO, but again I had a good experience with it. Now, to get it took about 3 weeks but that was the only thing that was a little dicey. However, they do come with an extra year of warranty which is nice I guess.