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WTB: Model X LR reservation

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As the title states, I am looking for a 7 seater Long Range Model X reservation transfer.

Must haves are pre hike price($90K base), 7 seater and LR
Good to have: Blue exterior, white interior and FSD.

I am willing to pay up to $5K. I have seen them for 3K to 10K. I am not in a rush. I can wait till June if I can get the pre hike price

Transfer process: I will pay using PayPal services. You can either give up your Tesla account or have a SA transfer it to my name.

Thanks for your time. No discussions on the price here. Already talked to a few members for $5K but it didn’t work because of a 5 seater version and other because the seller has other Teslas on his account.

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