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WTB Model X Reservation Plaid or LR

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Looking for a Model X reservation pre hike.
Any color any build. Plaid or LR.
Looking for someone who was not able to transfer a reservation for any reason,
“Tesla said we can’t”
“Registration and delivery address filled out”
Willing to pay 1.5-2k for the reservation to those who’s is having troubles transferring reservations and/or can’t take a delivery.

I’ll make it happen and you’ll gain 1.5-2k instead of losing your order fee and I’ll get a good deal.

Only for those who is having troubles transferring.
Looking for a Model X reservation pre hike.
Any color any build. Plaid or LR.
Looking for someone who was not able to transfer a reservation for any reason,
“Tesla said we can’t”
“Registration and delivery address filled out”
Willing to pay 1.5-2k for the reservation to those who’s is having troubles transferring reservations and/or can’t take a delivery.

I’ll make it happen and you’ll gain 1.5-2k instead of losing your order fee and I’ll get a good deal.

Only for those who is having troubles transferring.