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WTB: Model X w/AP < $70K

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Frugal But Classy!
Jan 7, 2017
As the title states, we're looking to buy a Model X. Prefer red, but my wife isn't as particular as I am about the color. The car absolutely has to have AP enabled at a minimum. We're also just considering buying one new if we can't find what we're looking for used. Prefer the savings over new, so please PM me with anything that you may have. Anywhere CONUS is acceptable, as I don't mind making a road trip to secure the deal.

Cheapest current CPO is $ 76,400 which has AP1
Thx, I know, I saw the listing already. It's also a 90D, so I'm sure that a 60/75 will be around the price that I'm looking for. Also, Tesla has quite a bit of profit margin there as it's been noted in the past...They lowball on trade-ins and turn around and sell the same vehicles for 8-10% more from what I've observed.