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Wtb MS AWD 17-19 < 36k miles

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Hi Looking for a 17-19 Model S AWD. Would like it with at least 24 months warranty and ideally around 20k or more left before 50,000.

Really trying to figure out the market and it's very difficult to understand. I feel like I'm mattress shopping. I've seen P100Ds that match this criteria in the low 60s, but some 75ds are nearly the same in pricing or might go down to the mid 40s, both with clean Carfax reports. From what I can tell Vroom is impossible to figure out what features are included. Carvanna seems better, but inventory is an issue. Tesla seems to have the highest prices on average by far.

Anyways, hoping to find what I'm looking for. willing to go into the mid 60 range for the right vehicle.
Have you tried https://ev-cpo.com/ yet?
There are 4 cars direct from Tesla that meet your criteria with a max of $70k. But the lowest is $67k. Three 75Ds and one 100D.
