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WTB: NEMA 14-50 Adapter for Gen 2 Mobile Charger - Montreal

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...14-50 adapters are out of stock...

If you are planning to eventually get a second, dedicated home charging cable (in addition to the Gen 2 Mobile Connector that comes with the car), you might consider what's called a Tesla "Corded Mobile Connector." Maybe you already know about them?

They were offered by Tesla on the website, have a permanent NEMA 14-50 plug end, and charge at a slightly higher rate (40 amps as opposed to 32 amps) than the Gen 2 Mobile Connector.

As of last year when still available new, they were expensive ($520 US from Tesla), but now you might be able to find a used one for less. Check with the usual suspects (Craig's List, eBay, the FS posts here, etc.). Not everyone is trying to strike it rich. (I just scored a complete, brand new Mobile Connector Bundle [w/bag, J1772 adapter, cord, and 5-15 and 14-50 adapters] for only $225 US.) Bargains can be found if you look.

Can someone there in town loan you a 14-50 while you look? (Sorry I am too far away.) Good luck.

PS -- Yes, Tesla will promptly respond if you ask to be notified when an item is back in stock. The NEMA 14-50 plug adapter is a very popular accessory and should be back in stock soon, I am thinking. There are several on eBay right now, but prices are on the high side (>>>$35). Check local CL listings. Sometimes CL sellers will ship, so expand your search in Canada and US.
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