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WTB New Condition Top and Rear Model 3 Glass with Purple IR Rejection

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Hello everyone,

It’s a long shot looking for these I know, but my P3D went in for service for a new rear bumper, trunk lid and spoiler and came out with the previously perfect condition oem rear glass (which turned orange/purple in the rain) replaced with a new piece which is black tinted. In addition to breaking my rear glass on me (their pre work pictures and my post accident pictures prove the glass to be not damaged prior to their work) the body shop also deeply scratched my top purple glass, front windshield and chrome trim with an ice scraper they denied having used but was later found left in my backseat with their name on it o_O
So if anyone is selling their color changing glass pieces which are in new condition please let me know or if you have the color changing glass and would prefer to switch to the plain black look also let me know as I’m exhausting all possibilities. The owner of the shop is suggesting to tint the new glass in 3M crystalline but it doesn’t give quite the same effect.

Also, any advice for who to reach out to at Tesla to discuss this with would be helpful too, the body shop advisor I’ve been in contact with has been useless and doesn’t seem to care less that Tesla’s authorized body shop damaged my own glass and then fraudulently charged my insurance for their mistake. Body shop to remain nameless provided they own up to their mistakes and make me whole including the color changing glass.
