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WTB: Nomad Wireless Charger - Model 3

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any reason you're not buying directly from nomad? I have new one and it is V1 with the enclosed battery, but would only be selling it at a premium to current pricing as these are no longer available. I bought it in preparation for when my wife finally decides to upgrade her phone for wireless charging. I already have one in my car and love it. I made sure to get the one with the battery to ensure maximum throughput.
any reason you're not buying directly from nomad? I have new one and it is V1 with the enclosed battery, but would only be selling it at a premium to current pricing as these are no longer available. I bought it in preparation for when my wife finally decides to upgrade her phone for wireless charging. I already have one in my car and love it. I made sure to get the one with the battery to ensure maximum throughput.
Yes, I’d rather buy a used one for cheaper. If I wanted a new one, I’d simply buy it from Nomad as you suggest.