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WTB - Nor Cal VIN Transfer for White M3 Base Model w/ Black Interior and 18" Wheels

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Hi All,
I am not asking someone to jump through all the hoops/headaches of transferring a reservation to me. I already have a reservation for a base M3 and my delivery date is December, but I'd like to get one earlier if possible. I've heard that people with current reservations who get assigned a VIN can transfer the VIN to another buyer with an existing reservation, and that Tesla has no problem doing that. I don't care that I won't get the lower price before the price hike (I've read enough stories on this forum such that the risk and hassle isn't worth what people are charging to even try). I would just like to get the car earlier than December. So I guess this post is for folks who have a reservation with a delivery date soon that just want out of it and recoup their deposit (or a little more). I'm in Nor Cal but also frequent So Cal.
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