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WTB: OE Wheel

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I second EBay......was actually logging on to post that and then the one liner popped into my head....see them all the time on EBay.....single rims.....usually refurbed for the aforementioned reason but some new....

On another note look into rim repair. Seriously....$100-150 one and done...never know it was rashed. Guys usually are mobile too and will come right to your door and do it.

Good luck....let us know what you come up with.

I would look into purchasing a wheel protection plan or wheel and tire plan for future references. You can get a 3 year plan for the wheels for under $400 for 3yrs and no deductible. this way you're ready when it happens again and.... again. My wife absolutely loves curbs so they work for me.
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I would look into purchasing a wheel protection plan or wheel and tire plan for future references. You can get a 3 year plan for the wheels for under $400 for 3yrs and no deductible. this way you're ready when it happens again and.... again. My wife absolutely loves curbs so they work for me.

what wheel protection plan are you speaking of, for 3 years coverage for under 400 and no deductible, that will cover rims?
Or... buy a full set, like the one I have for sale in OC :) for future curb rashes j/k

Better deal than the ebay since it includes the rims, tpms, tires, disc, center caps, (and don’t need labor cost to install all of them)! :)