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WTB: OEM Tesla NEMA 6-50 Adapter - $150

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I just ordered my first Model S, and am trying to find a NEMA 6-50 adapter. I know it's cheaper to replace my outlet to 14-50, but I also own a Prius Plug-in (hopefully selling my Leaf soon) and would like the ability to continue using my GE Wattstation L2 charger but plug in the UMC when necessary. I'm willing to pay $150 for the OEM Tesla NEMA 6-50 adapter (in working condition obviously).

(Sorry for double post, I'm new to the forum and didn't see the Wanted subforum).
I just ordered my first Model S, and am trying to find a NEMA 6-50 adapter. I know it's cheaper to replace my outlet to 14-50, but I also own a Prius Plug-in (hopefully selling my Leaf soon) and would like the ability to continue using my GE Wattstation L2 charger but plug in the UMC when necessary. I'm willing to pay $150 for the OEM Tesla NEMA 6-50 adapter (in working condition obviously).

(Sorry for double post, I'm new to the forum and didn't see the Wanted subforum).
Let me know if you get any offers. I started a similar thread a few months back but didn't have any luck tracking one down. I have a pigtail adapter that I'll use in the meantime.