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WTB: P85 for $83K

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The question is: How long will I have to wait for the cars to depreciate to that amount? Maybe when the Model X arrives or they announce a P100?


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For those using Chrome, do those "IMG" links actually render images (presumably some horizontal lines)? Perhaps that's the confusion -- browser-specific URLs (specifically the "chrome" protocol in this example) not working across all browsers.

For those using Chrome, do those "IMG" links actually render images (presumably some horizontal lines)? Perhaps that's the confusion -- browser-specific URLs (specifically the "chrome" protocol in this example) not working across all browsers.


nope. they don't render for me. Chrome Version 32.0.1700.107 m

attaching screenshot:

I'm still looking for a P85 and found a Sig Perf model. Are these basically the same car? Worth the same value assuming the same options and mileage? I know the colors ext/int are different and assume the Sig cars had the A battery pack. I'm not really interested with the collector appeal and not interested to pay extra for that feature.
I'm still looking for a P85 and found a Sig Perf model. Are these basically the same car? Worth the same value assuming the same options and mileage? I know the colors ext/int are different and assume the Sig cars had the A battery pack. I'm not really interested with the collector appeal and not interested to pay extra for that feature.

Beware the curse of the Sig! ;)

Take your time and do your homework on the Sigs. They are wonderful cars as long as you accept them for what they are. As for the price you're looking for, have you checked Tesla's demo pool?
I'm still looking for a P85 and found a Sig Perf model. Are these basically the same car? Worth the same value assuming the same options and mileage? I know the colors ext/int are different and assume the Sig cars had the A battery pack. I'm not really interested with the collector appeal and not interested to pay extra for that feature.

If it is a Sig red and that color means a lot to you then go for it. Other than that and especially since you are not interested in the collector appeal (which I don't think there will be much of one outside a few low numbers maybe) you might be better off with a newer one with B pack or above, wire harnesses for newer packages...etc