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WTB: P85 or Base 85-kWh withOUT leather, but with: Tech, Park Sensors

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Looking for an 85-kWh MS (P85 or "base") with following MUST HAVES:
Tech Pkg
Park Sensors

Cannot have:
Pano Roof
Dark Ext color (it's hot here!)

Prefer (but not mandatory):
Upgraded Sound
21" wheels
2014 MY

Will probably order a new one to replace our previous MS (sadly, lost to flood), but if someone has an MS they can't use, or need/want to unload, do please PM me so that we might chat.

Location: Anywhere in the US is fine, but prefer South Central US/TX as first choice.

I agree this is a rare bird, especially if you require Tesla parking sensors. What is not a dark color to you? IMO, all colors aside from white are "dark."

I thought I saw something like what you want in Houston last month. I would create a search in AutoTrader and see what comes up.