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WTB: P85/P85D

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Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
Autopilot 1.0 must have at a minimum (if it doesn't have at least AP1 don't bother)
P85 or P85D. I'd be interested in either or. Of course, I'd like to more details on options and stuff.
The P85D is going to be singificanlty more expensive. For the P85 unless you've got a real hard price limit, (or you want the awesome big frunk) I'd suggest you look at a new 75 instead. Its just as fast, has about the same range, is about the same price after the tax credit but comes with AP2 hardware, and a much better warranty.
the 75 is significantly more expensive new. I for sure wouldn't want a bare base model.
You can get a nicely equipped 75 (sound, Leather, PUP, and EAP) for $68.5k after the fed rebate. Compare that to the cheapest AP P85 at $68k, and you get a brand new car with much improved seats, AP2.0, and all the other little changes they've made in the past 3 years. The P85 has a bunch of bling and almost 40k miles on it.
You can get a nicely equipped 75 (sound, Leather, PUP, and EAP) for $68.5k after the fed rebate. Compare that to the cheapest AP P85 at $68k, and you get a brand new car with much improved seats, AP2.0, and all the other little changes they've made in the past 3 years. The P85 has a bunch of bling and almost 40k miles on it.

I found a AP P85 for 57K. I'm on the cusp of closing that deal, however, the guy seems attached to the car and has been hesitant. No argument on price, i think he is attached. so im trying my best to convince him to sell asap because I'm ready to buy.

There is also a P85D with ludicrous for $72K on Cars.com.

And how are you getting 68.5K? On the Tesla site my cash price is 90K for a new 75 RWD Model S. After tax credit that would be about $82.5K
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