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WTB : P85D with AutoPilot & Air Suspension

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Thanks. Already communicated with that seller. Everything is great except the color and options I may not use. And its 1,200 miles away. Still procrastinating. I may wait 2 or 3 more months. If I don't find one, will get a new car from TESLA. I believe readily available cash will find a good deal.
I am sure it's to far for you but there are 2 maybe 3 of Tesla demo cars for sale in Portland. A black one and a white one, both in the $120K range.

I called TESLA and they couldn't find the 2 cars in Portland in their inventory.

- - - Updated - - -

Gotcha, hoping to find a desperate seller, smart move.

You aren't going to find too many this soon but there is one listed (cross country )TMC Marketplace

This car does not have the Next Gen Seats in the pictures but the seller has it in the MSRP. Seller does not seem to be aware of the discrepancy. Most likely original buyer got refunded from TESLA. Price @ TESLA with same configuration comes to $ 1,000 less than the MSRP listed.

MSRP $ 140,570
Discrepency $ 1,000 -
Seats $ 2,000 -
rebate $ 7,500 -
10 % depreciation $ 13,007 -

$ 117.063
This price needs to include delivery.
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This car does not have the Next Gen Seats in the pictures but the seller has it in the MSRP. Seller does not seem to be aware of the discrepancy. Most likely original buyer got refunded from TESLA. Price @ TESLA with exact configuration comes to $ 1,000 less than the MSRP listed. $ 140,570 - $ 1,000 - seats $ 2,000 - rebate $ 7,500 = $ 130,070

Many early P85D's were delivered without the next generation seats because of supply shortage, Tesla promised to swap them out at local service centers when they became available.