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WTB p90d

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Hey everyone!

I just made my account today and am hoping that this will help me find my dream car. I’ll be 21 next month and have wanted a Tesla for a long time. By the end of this summer I’ll have around 60k saved up for one and am getting a head start on finding the right deal.

I really appreciate anyone’s input or help in finding this car for me.

I’m looking for a P90D because it’ll probably be the fastest I can get in my budget. There are plenty of little features that I like but the 3 must haves are:

Ludicrous Mode
Rear facing jump seats

I’ve found one with 60,000 miles for 65k but I’m hoping to find some other options. I’m not in the biggest hurry but will be buying by September and will buy sooner if I find the right deal.

Thank you for your help!

I have exactly what you are looking for buddy..... It as all Features you need. Kept in an underground parking garage. Feel free to reach me on EMAIL: jaydentaylor.live via Gmail. I wait to hear from you soon
Dear Sir,
you sound like an honest individual. If your car is in as good of condition I accept your price. I am a US naval officer and am currently deployed in the middle east and have limited access to phones and email. Therefore, I am willing to pay an additional $5,000 dollars for the extra inconvenience. Please send me your name, address, phone number, bank and bank account number and I send you payment. I will then send my representative to pick up the car. Thank you.
Mike Litoris