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WTB: Power Lift Gate Parts

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Looking for all of the below, for a 2016 S pre-facelift:

1) PLG Control Module (1007511-00-A) and the three longer 50mm mounting bolts (1008177-00-A)
2) Liftgate Power Strut (6006610-00-C) and the matching slave (6006608-00-B)
3) Pull cup (1009264-00-E) and PLG switch (1010327-00-A)
4) Wiring Harness (1004428-00-R...I think)
5) Anti Pinch Sensor Assemblies (Left: 6007576-00-C, Right: 6007570-00-C) and associated "push clips" (1008784-00-A)
6) Cinching Actuator (1003549-00-B), Cinching Cable (1008186-00-B) and Liftgate Latch (6006654-00-B), and (3) 1016389-00-A and (2) 1008842-00-A to mount these items.
7) Power Lift Gate Chime (1003550-00-A) and mounting screws