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wtb: rear jump seats for model s - California

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I bought a 2013 model S performance w/ 61k miles and love it. We have six children and need the rear two jump seats to make the car usable on a daily basis.

I am also exploring the possibility of modifying a seat in between the driver/passenger to make it a true 8 seater sedan from a center middle jumpseat from a honda odyssey. If I find it feasible after taking the console out, I might end up making a youtube video for this project. I currently build/design and sell automotive parts for a living.

If anyone has one available to sell, please let me know. I believe my 2013 already has the bumper reinforcement installed, so I only need to retrofit the seats, necessary bolts from tesla and the rear open switch.

Thank you

I just removed mine. Used like 5 times.

Drop a line if still looking. I’m in Wisconsin so would need to ship or maybe road trip


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