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WTB: Roadster 110v charger cable. $400 shipped.

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My one of a kind stock lotus aubergine purple tesla roadster gets on closed transport, probably tomorrow, for the new owner. And Murphys law, when I go to give it a final charge off of a 110v, the 110v cable acts fussy. "test" like didn't work for 60 seconds, and it took me 90 seconds to fuss with the 110v buttons to get it charging just fine, like normal.

Rather than assume the 110v cable is fine now, I'd prefer to just drop $400 used to ship him a replacement 110v cable, so he can have two of them, but more importantly, 100.0% peace of mind, because, well, I've sold many expensive things in my life, buyers have always been very happy ... and I'd like to take zero chance of changing that.

Tesla, of course, is out of stock for $600, LOL. Figures.

Tesla — Spare Connector - Available in North America Only
Odds are strong that the plug is going bad. Many of us have replaced them with a standard (non-GFCI) plug (<$10 from Home Depot).

Here's a thread discussing it 120v charging cable died

Thank you again. Sorry that so many owners are experiencing basically, exactly the same problem, grateful for your sand the teams help toward an incredibly easy permanent fix. :) New owners call what we do, but to me, even not considering radical cost differences, sounds to me like there's a design defect that would render a new cable an accident waiting to happen, and a "TMC / home depot fixed" cable, as reported, reliable for years to come. :)
If I could delete this thread I would. I am fixing the cable for the new owner, based on the several threads discussing the design defect of "tesla" 120v cables. I have no interest now in buying a used cable that is going to also quickly fail, due to design defect. Thanks.