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WTB: Roadster brakes

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Our local auto parts store listed them. I think they were about $380/ pair. For that price I would get a quote on having some custom made by a local machine shop out of different material. You're OK in Cali but out here they rust if you so much as breathe on them. The Model S rotors are better but the best ones are on the Volt - it's hard to make them rust but they still stop fast and conduct heat very well.

WTB 1.5 Roadster brake discs, front. email at eric at ericvfx.com


When you say discs do you mean rotors? They're the same as the Elise right (along w/ the calipers, pads, etc)? So there have to be a ton of aftermarket options since Elise's are popular track cars and therefore need regular replacement.
I believe EBC sells 5 lug slotted rotors for the older Elise which should fit if the bolt pattern is the same. I run EBC slotted rotors and brakes on my truck and love them.

Also the Lotus Europa uses a 5 lug (5x110) bolt pattern that may fit.

Lotus Europa S - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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