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WTB Roadster Foundry License Plate Bracket

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For those who haven't seen them:

Roadster Foundry License Plate Bracket

Roadster Foundry License Plate Bracket - Page 15

I was fortunate enough to have had my Roadster come with one... I really don't know how it ended up with it, Roadster had 3k on it, owner wasn't all that passionate about Roadsters... but I guess I've see odder things. Keeping it but if someone who lives close who wants to copy the design, I believe Steve would be ok with that.

I took mine off to get more airflow through the condenser... I don't think it made all that much of a difference. I also don't like the look of front license plates on cars.... 2 years without one now in Cali and haven't been hassled yet.
are you interested in selling the foundry license plate bracket?

Rik, sorry. I didn't get a notification that someone replied for some reason. I have 2 people who said they want to buy it. I'm still trying to decide which plate holder I'm going to use as a permanent solution. Once I do, I will most likely sell the other 2 that I have. By the way, it isn't a foundry license plate bracket but something similar I had for my old Lotus. It just goes right into the tow hook...no modification of the bumper necessary.