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WTB: S, AP1, Pano, 3rd row

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I'm looking for a Model S with AP1, Pano roof, and the rear-facing kids seats. Battery size not important. AWD/dual motor a HUGE plus, but not required. Mileage not too important so long as maintenance has been kept up & records available. All other options not important. Max price is $60k. I live in California.
Thanks for checking! :)
I'm looking for a Model S with AP1, Pano roof, and the rear-facing kids seats. Battery size not important. AWD/dual motor a HUGE plus, but not required. Mileage not too important so long as maintenance has been kept up & records available. All other options not important. Max price is $60k. I live in California.
Thanks for checking! :)

Are you still looking? I have just started to search for a home for my 2015 Model S, Pano, 3rd Row, with 36,450 miles that has great options as well. If you are still interested, please let me know and I will post my configuration page from my purchase here. Thanks.
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Bump, I'm still looking / looking again (took some time off) for this configuration...
Model S with AP1, Pano roof, and the rear-facing kids seats. Battery size not important. AWD/dual motor a HUGE plus, but not required. Mileage not too important so long as maintenance has been kept up & records available. All other options not important. Must have clean title.
I prefer private party, original owner or if multiple owners must not have passed through a non-tesla dealership (so's I can buy an extended warranty from Tesla).
Max price is $60k. I live in California.