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WTB Salvage Tesla S 85 Salvage

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New Member
Aug 30, 2013
Would like to purchase someones wrecked Tesla. Price depending on condition. All electronics must be in perfect working order but I don't care about the body so much. Playing with a classic car and tinkering with converting it. Not sure if this will work but want to give it a try.
I love my tesla and as bad as it seems to see one wrecked I am thinking there is a second life for these cars with people that like to play with high voltage :biggrin:. I cant imagine tearing mine apart but can totally see myself doing it with a salvage one.
Actually mine isn't sold yet but the deal is pending and it may be gone this week.

I just got it back from the service center. It charges and drives and is asking me if I want to update to 4.5.

About the only thing functionally wringer with it right now is the AC condensers are discharged and disconnected.

I'm having great fun driving it in my driveway and examining the guts under the frunk.
I'd be interested in pitching in on reversing the coms such that the battery/inverter/motor would be of use. I'd be interested in a similar project but would like to have a good long look at the coms side of things to make sure I could retain all the safety interlocks.
Actually mine isn't sold yet but the deal is pending and it may be gone this week.

I just got it back from the service center. It charges and drives and is asking me if I want to update to 4.5.

About the only thing functionally wringer with it right now is the AC condensers are discharged and disconnected.

I'm having great fun driving it in my driveway and examining the guts under the frunk.
Please let us know if that falls through and, if so, what the current asking price is.

If not, gratz on your sale! And enjoy your new vehicle. :)
I'd be interested in pitching in on reversing the coms such that the battery/inverter/motor would be of use. I'd be interested in a similar project but would like to have a good long look at the coms side of things to make sure I could retain all the safety interlocks.

Would love to have the help. I will need to figure out how to change the pictures as well but it will be loads of fun figuring it all out. I have a couple of Remy motors and Reinhart inverters for this project but I needed batteries. The car started out to be the battery only parts car but then I got to thinking it would be loads of fun to tear down a Tesla. I don't want to mess mine up poking around so salvage it is.

If I can get the Tesla I will probably sell the Remy motors and go all Tesla provided I can break into the computer and modify at will. I am bidding on a car this Friday so I will know more then.

so I'm starting to see a trend in "minor accident = car totaled" ... something we should worry about? GasDoc's got clipped in the front, this ebay one got smacked in the front fender, yet what I would think should be easily repairable on any other vehicle these are being labeled as total loss and non-repairable by insurance companies....
so I'm starting to see a trend in "minor accident = car totaled" ... something we should worry about? GasDoc's got clipped in the front, this ebay one got smacked in the front fender, yet what I would think should be easily repairable on any other vehicle these are being labeled as total loss and non-repairable by insurance companies....

The airbag was clearly deployed. This was no minor accident since they have replaced the front fender and the hood. I think this is normal routine for insurance companies.