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WTB - Tesla HEPA filter for my 2017 Model S

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Thought that now the HEPA filters are coming standard, that Tesla might begin to offer them to earlier customers.

Just got a call from relatives in San Francisco. They say the air is super polluted from all the forest fires smoke. Many are leaving the city to safeguard their health. Would be wonderful if they could also upgrade their X to a HEPA.
It didn’t. Hoping someone here can help me get one
Well, even if you get the filter, the option will not be present in your A/C settings without Tesla's tech activating it. I'm hearing mixed opinions on an actual chance of having it done if the car was purchased without the PUP. Have you contacted Tesla service yet to find out if this is even an option?
If you are looking for a better replacement of the carbon interior filter, I figured out that the MANN FP 2620 filter fits the Model S 2016-2018 perfectly. FP is acronym for frecious plus by MANN filters. I replaced it recently and almost no fumes from ICE cars anymore.
I dont need HEPA filter now anymore.