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WTB: Tesla Model S Bumper refresh

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I’m looking to buy a tesla model s front bumper refresh, TSportline is what i’d perfer. Can basically go anywhere and pick it up. Please Call or text me if you have one. 469-343-2882

if you do have one for sale just send me pics. I will respond asap.
I’m looking to buy a tesla model s front bumper refresh, TSportline is what i’d perfer. Can basically go anywhere and pick it up. Please Call or text me if you have one. 469-343-2882

if you do have one for sale just send me pics. I will respond asap.
I have one that will be available next month. This will work with all your original parts. But best of all compared to other companies, it’s not only a fraction of the price but install is a breeze and it looks better than the competition. Only $1K not including shipping

