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WTB Tesla Model X

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Hi all!

We sold our S and are ready for an X. We’d like to stick to the $50k-$70k range so high miles are okay as long as it’s under drivetrain warranty and condition is good. Here are our must haves:

-White Interior (we will not buy anything else)
-Black/White exterior huge plus, but any color is fine
-Enhanced Autopilot (We really want Sentry Mode and the Teslacam feature)
-Subzero Pack
-High Fidelity Audio
-Premium Upgrades Pack
-Clean history (no accidents, clean title)

As long as the above boxes are checked, we are interested. Some pluses:
- 6/7 Seat Interior
- 90D or bigger battery
- 22” Wheels
- As mentioned above; black or white exterior