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WTB: Tesla Supercharger Cable

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I've had some offers, but everyone, including Tesla, wants me to move elsewhere. I'm not moving... especially not to California, but will gladly entertain contract work I can do from my own workshop or somewhere local.

Agreed. I'd gladly work for Tesla doing Salesforce development which they have open positions for, but no way I am moving to California. Such is life.
So, I'm going to bump this thread due to a recent massive disappointment.

I thought I'd finally gotten a cable.... turns out, after a bit of a logistics nightmare and a half decent amount of cash... still do not. :(

Back story:

Someone contacted me regarding my inquiry here claiming to have a full supercharger pedestal for sale. I hadn't heard of any being stolen or anything, so, I asked for a back story. The unit was actually one of the display units shown in Tesla stores. Turns out it was somewhat damaged on one side and was being replaced at a particular store. The damaged one was up for grabs. I was still skeptical, so I contacted that service center to confirm the seller's story. It, surprisingly, checked out and the seller was in possession of the unit legitimately. Well, I had seen one of these before and I have seen one open. It does have the supercharger cable and connector, just not connected to anything inside the top of the unit. This was going to be great! Exactly what I'd been looking for.

Well, after working everything out with the seller and getting shipping and such arranged, I finally received the thing a few days ago:


Definitely looks cool! Non-functional, but plugged it up for the photo for fun. And really, I only wanted the cable. The pedestal was just a bonus. I wouldn't have time to tinker with it for at least a few days, but the cable was there and all!

So, this morning I removed the cable from the pedestal and started to do continuity tests on the two ends (charger handle pins and the end of the wire) so I could label the wires. Well, I wasn't getting any returns. Tried another meter, same. As it turns out the pins on the charger handle just aren't internally connected to the cable. Just two of them out of 10 were internally connected, presumable just to hold it in place during assembly. Turns out they specifically made it to be a dummy cable. Everything was there, but they didn't do the one step of finishing the connections inside the handle..... something I had no way of knowing based on a visual inspection, nor would I have expected. :(

So, the cable turned out to be useless for my supercharger project. At least I got a cool pedestal, though, for when I do finally get a good cable to use with it. I guess for now I'll wire up a HPWC cable for it just to make it functional.

Anyway, if anyone has any leads I'm all ears.
So, I'm going to bump this thread due to a recent massive disappointment.

I thought I'd finally gotten a cable.... turns out, after a bit of a logistics nightmare and a half decent amount of cash... still do not. :( Anyway, if anyone has any leads I'm all ears.

Bummer, but ^^that^^ is totally cool!
Think of you at every SC, if I ever see a maintenance guy, I'm asking for you. And if you ever come across another station, dummy or not, please let me know.
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The damaged one was up for grabs. I was still skeptical, so I contacted that service center to confirm the seller's story. It, surprisingly, checked out and the seller was in possession of the unit legitimately.

I just want to point out, for those that may have incorrectly questioned Jason's ethics in the past, how far he went to make certain he wasn't coming close to doing anything wrong here. Knowing what I know about Jason, I would not have expected anything less.
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There's a small (two place) Supercharger in Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, MD, that is due to be removed any day now according to the staff of the Tesla store in the mall. I don't know if that helps, but at least that's one known to being taken out.

Ah yeah, that's one of the portable units. I'd assume they're just going to put it somewhere else or keep it in reserve for when it's needed.
So do you feel you overpaid for this? I'm sure the seller didn't know it wasn't connected so it wasn't their fault.

Has it been a good cable, the price would have been perfectly fine. I know the seller was not aware the cable was not usable, so certainly not their fault. No big deal I suppose. Win some, lose some.

Could the rest of them be connected?

Unfortunately not. The charge connector is sealed and filled with epoxy just like the real ones. Would have to destroy it to get to the pins, so, not useful.

As consolation you could put one of your HPWCs inside the pedestal and light up the T E S L A and nobody but you would think it was anything but a Supercharger.

Actually, my plan now is back to my original plan, which is to use the connector from a CHAdeMO adapter. Only 125A, but will hold me over until I find a supercharger cable. Can probably push it a little beyond that initially, maybe 150A or something. Will see.
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Congratulations on your purchase ... why not set it up for 80A charging in the meantime :cool:

Nah, shooting for the silver medal: 125A DC charging (~40-50kW). Will be good enough for testing and to hold me over until I find one of these cables that's good.

Would it be possible to melt the epoxy with MEK or some other aggressive solvent?

Unfortunately not my area of expertise. But even assuming it could be opened, I don't have a way to ultrasonic weld the pins to the cable.
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