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WTB. Tesla Tire-Repair Kit

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dhrivnak. I have an extra 19" oem Tesla wheel and Goodyear tire (deflated) in my frunk. I am now sourcing the necessary tools. Thanks for your advice.
I have the kit. It is just a can of slime and a cigarette lighter air compressor, both of which can be bought at autozone, pep boys, or even target. Nothing special about the tesla kit, so if tesla is out of stock there are many options.
Seeking a new or near new compressor with new sealant.

where are you located? They have them in stock locally here. I have a tesla kit but as ^^^^ have posted you can basically get the same thing from any auto parts store. Teslas is nice because it's compact. However if you are stocking a deflated spare in your frunk not sure why you're looking for the tire kit?(ps. The tire and oem wheel will fit in the frunk inflated. It takes a bit of jostling to get out but I (as a girl) can and have gotten it in and out. However we realized that we didn't need one for day to day just road trips in they're. Good luck.)