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WTB: Tesla wall mount charger

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Since you are in California, I recommend Craig's List, especially in the SF Bay area (and try LA, Riverside, etc.). Some CL sellers are willing to ship. Not sure if you want Gen 3 (the latest) or Gen 2 (more powerful; longer cord). But I see both for sale. Some people ask for high prices (like for "Elon" signature model), but often you can get used and even new wall connectors for Tesla ($500) or even lower prices. Good luck.
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Since you are in California, I recommend Craig's List, especially in the SF Bay area (and try LS, Riverside, etc.). Some CL sellers are willing to ship. Not sure if you want Gen 3 (the latest) or Gen 2 (more powerful; longer cord). But I see both for sale. Some people ask for high prices (like for "Elon" signature model), but often you can get used and even new wall connectors for Tesla ($500) or even lower prices. Good luck.
Thanks for the heads up! đź‘Ť