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WTB Tesla with stealth PPF

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New Member
Jul 16, 2022
Hi Everyone, I know first posts are usually met with skepticism but I am VERY new to the Tesla bandwagon so I have only been lurking for a bit. It is looking like we will be selling my wife's car very soon and I would like to make the jump to electric. My budget is </= $70K and I would REALLY like to pick up a clean used Tesla that has been wrapped in stealth PPF. XPEL seems to be the gold standard so it is preferred.

I know it sounds dumb to base a purchase on a PPF wrap but assuming I get some responses, I will weigh model, miles and features. I am in WI and willing to travel to pickup or arrange shipping if the seller is willing to work with me on that.

Blue, black or white are preferred and white interior is a plus. AWD would be great since I am in WI as well as a cold weather package. Not super hung up on range or performance since this will be my wife's local driver. She puts on around 60-100 miles per day. Frankly, I was blown away by the base model 3 performance so I am sure I will be pleased no matter what. Still, the dude in me won't mind if I wind up with something higher up in the food chain. Also, any remaining warranty, factory or otherwise will hold a ton of value with me.

Let me know what you have and hopefully we can connect. Thanks!