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WTB Unplugged Performance Refresh Front Fascia Bumper Model S

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Looking to upgrade my 2015 Model S bumper with the UP Refresh. I'm in the NJ area, but am open to paying for shipping as well.

Please DM me if you have anything!
Have you researched on here about doing an Tesla oem facelift bumper conversion? Much cheaper and looks just as good if not better due to the huge under bite with UP´s bumper. There are detailed posts (even a video) of how to do the conversion with all the parts needed etc.
Have you researched on here about doing an Tesla oem facelift bumper conversion? Much cheaper and looks just as good if not better due to the huge under bite with UP´s bumper. There are detailed posts (even a video) of how to do the conversion with all the parts needed etc.
Thanks for the reply! I’ve done research and seen the video, but my understanding was that the OEM bumper would inevitably cause an underbite and there was no way to fix this without buying the refreshed hood? If there’s a thread that says the opposite, would really appreciate a link!