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WTB US 1.5 Roadster

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I've looked at a few options on Autotrader and am a bit skeptical of the sellers. (If you happen to be selling a 1.5 on Autotrader, message me, I'd love to talk).

I've looked at the for sale section here as well, but it doesn't appear that there are any 1.5s on offer.

So I'm reaching out to the community.

Part of my issue is I'm located in the North East and most of of the Roadsters are, unsurprisingly, in Cali. This isn't an issue if I can find the right car from a seller who seems reasonable -- I'm willing to hop on a plane and check the car out in person and go through the hassle of having it shipped if that's what it takes.

I've even talked to the Tesla CPO folks, though it seems finding a 1.5 through them may be near impossible.

If you, or someone you know, would like to sell your 1.5 into a good home please let me know.

There are 2 on e-bay for the mid $60's right now. I purchased mine through e-bay 3 years ago. Unfortunately for you I would want more than the mid 60's to part with mine as it has been fun.

Same, for a true Roadster lover they grow on you and are part of you. I'd never want to part with my 1.5 for any cost. The one ebay seller has no location so that's always sketchy, the other is in California. But watch ebay, there are many that have been shipped from the east to west so I don't 100% agree on the spread you mentioned. One was bought in Florida and trailer to Canada. As for CPO you've missed the boat and the next one will arrive with the Model-X release.
Mid60s is the right price range and there seem to be one or two on eBay at most times... The CPO binge was last summer and has pretty much dried up... I'd probably have a hard time accepting $20k more than what I paid for my CPO 1.5. Whatever you do, don't hesitate if you find one you like!
Any thoughts on Autotrader vs. eBay or other options?

I agree there are some (probably quite a few) on the east coast, in fact there are at least two near me, but the folks that have them aren't interested in selling.

Anyone have any experience with having one shipped? Recommendations on a company, etc?

I really think it depends on the seller. Different sellers use different channels. I used both services as I searched for a Roadster when I finally found one close enough (if you call 650 miles close). It worked out fine and I am sure other options would have worked as well. Good luck and keep looking. It took me 5 months before the stars fully aligned.

PS as a fellow 1.5 owner I do like it over the later models. I am sure MANY will disagree but there is a lot to like about the first version.
I think either service I probably fine as long as you know the right things to ask for. I would always start with a carfax, range at ideal charge, range at range charge, and battery CAC value if possible. I would also look for recent service history and figure out if an extended warranty/service plan is an option on the vehicle.

Perhaps reach out to your local Tesla service center for help with finding a shipper. They are helping me ship my roadster from Ohio to Minnesota for an upcoming move.