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WTB Used Tesla Model S for trip around the US 10/1/19 - 4/30/20

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Hi everyone

We (my girlfriend and I) are from Switzerland and we will be on a 7 month trip around the US from Oct 1st 2019 till Apr 30th 2020, start and end in Miami, FL, and we would be interested in buying a used Tesla as cheap as possible (probably high milage, older model). We already have some offers in sight, such as a 2013 Model S 85 for slightly under $30'000.

We wondered, if someone here is selling a Tesla even cheaper and would be happy to make a decent offer for a Tesla that's maybe hard to sell due to high milage or a few non-significant scratches. However, the car should be considered to be ready to do a 15'000 miles trip without any major initial repairs or maintenance.

Must have:
  • Selling price under $30'000
  • 250+ miles of range on 100% charge
  • Turn-by-Turn navigation (former "tech package")
  • Warranty at least until May 2020 / 20k miles
  • Delivery to Miami FL on Oct 1st 2019 (if not situated nearby, please state est. delivery costs)

Nice to have:
  • Free Supercharging
  • Autopilot
  • Possibility to sell back the car at the end of the trip to initial seller (or ship to Europe for own use or sell to Tesla)

We could offer a full cash payment (online banking) at delivery. Even if you're not selling a Tesla with these specs yourself, we would be very thankful for any advice.

Thanks for your help :)
Sounds like a fun trip. The only red flag I see is you will be traveling through the worst weather months and as you probably know, it has a great affect on range. Something to keep in mind. Suggest reaching out to @PLUS EV or @Bighorn as they're seasoned travelers in all types of conditions in a Tesla :).
Heya, thanks for your input. Yeah, we are aware of the cold weather up north, that's why we try to stay in rather warm regions (Florida -> Texas -> California -> Hawaii -> California (till March) -> Canyon-Tours in AZ/UT then drive to Chicago but start south and drive up north the mississippi, then NY, Washington and at the end Florida again. :)
Hi everyone

We (my girlfriend and I) are from Switzerland and we will be on a 7 month trip around the US from Oct 1st 2019 till Apr 30th 2020, start and end in Miami, FL, and we would be interested in buying a used Tesla as cheap as possible (probably high milage, older model). We already have some offers in sight, such as a 2013 Model S 85 for slightly under $30'000.

We wondered, if someone here is selling a Tesla even cheaper and would be happy to make a decent offer for a Tesla that's maybe hard to sell due to high milage or a few non-significant scratches. However, the car should be considered to be ready to do a 15'000 miles trip without any major initial repairs or maintenance.

Must have:
  • Selling price under $30'000
  • 250+ miles of range on 100% charge
  • Turn-by-Turn navigation (former "tech package")
  • Warranty at least until May 2020 / 20k miles
  • Delivery to Miami FL on Oct 1st 2019 (if not situated nearby, please state est. delivery costs)

Nice to have:
  • Free Supercharging
  • Autopilot
  • Possibility to sell back the car at the end of the trip to initial seller (or ship to Europe for own use or sell to Tesla)

We could offer a full cash payment (online banking) at delivery. Even if you're not selling a Tesla with these specs yourself, we would be very thankful for any advice.

Thanks for your help :)

2014 Model S | Tesla
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If you found a car already that meets that criteria under $30k from a LEGITIMATE seller you better buy it before someone else does because that's a killer deal. The list of legitimate Teslas under $30,000USD is a short one and very few meet any of your criteria let alone all of it.
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