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WTB - Various pieces (frunk, rear) from a 2014 tesla model s

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Looking for 6 things

1. Frunk rear tub

2. Two fasteners for the frunk shown here , left and right with the crowbar on it

3. Frunk cargo net

4. Roof rain gutter hinge thing , in black, example shown


5. Bottom rear chrome skid plate & hardware to screw in

6. This rear plastic skirt thing in front of the tires, preferably both if in good condition, otherwise just left rear

Can you tell me what the actual name of this part is? I’ve tried looking up what you have to see if I can find one in good condition but I’m not having any luck. I need one for my back right 2015 Model S. The plastic and screws have been stripped and it’s dangling. I would like to have it replaced. I’m in Texas.