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WTB: VIP Factory Tour passes

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Hey everyone!

I have a 6 & 7 year-old who are as equally excited about Tesla as I am. We frequent the Hawthorne supercharger just to go to "mini-Tesla world" and see SpaceX and the Falcon 9 on the corner. We went last Sunday after watching the Iridium launch and success, and the kids got to give a few employees some high-fives and say congratulations. They're still talking about it.

I would LOVE to be able to take them on an actual factory tour and I understand the VIP tour is different from the regular tour hence this thread. I have no idea what a cost/sale would be, or if a tour is even transferrable, but in the light it is and you have some passes please keep me in mind.

I live in Pasadena, CA and would be more than excited to plan a stay/trip up north for a day or two and know the kids would love it as well. Thank you for reading, and your consideration.
I have never heard of a "VIP" factory tour ticket that one could purchase. I can imagine that some people with high level connections at Tesla (and maybe who work for suppliers) could get some kind of special tour.

Was a special factory tour one of the prizes awarded in the various referral contests?
Yes, it's a referral award (I want to say in the current batch.) That's why I put it out here. I know there's a lot of folks who get the rewards and may not simply have the time for something like this. It would be more than appreciated and forever cherished if given the opportunity. But again, I don't know if they would even be transferrable. Just hoping they would be.
We helped Tesla with some local Planning and Zoning issues here in town to get a Gallery opened, and they offered to get me the "VIP" tour.. which is the regular tour, but afterwards, a marketing VP took us around again for about an hour to several areas off the regular tour as well as "upstairs" where a lot of the engineering takes place and other factory areas. It was also good to ask specific questions and get real non-tour/insider answers.

We didn't get the Q&A with Franz von Holzhausen or a lock of Elon's hair.
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